How does it work? One simply installs the game app and invites friends to join your Neighbors, Friends, Clan, Guild, or Order, respectively. They all have an MMORPG feel to them, though not as huge as Evercrack or World of Warcraft. Mindless fun nonetheless. A host of games such as Mafia Wars were huge on Myspace and other social media venues so this is not a new way to waste hours at a time.
Farmville is just what it sounds like, a game to design a kickass farm and harvest for coins to upgrade. Mine is pretty huge now and complete with spooky trees for Halloween. Yoville is from the same company as FV and Mafia Wars, Zynga, but is a city where the player is issued an apt and goes to a "job" for coins. What interested me is not the party aspect of it, instead it tapped into my love of decor. But it lacks alot of the same money making potential and other features as FV so I lost interest.
What changed you ask?
Well, for Halloween, Yoville introduced some wicked Halloween items: costumes and decor. And, get this, players could upgrade to a Haunted House. *screams with evil glee* I wasted no time moving into my new spooky crib and getting set up with creepy furniture. Yesterday, I got a witches cauldron for my kitchen. Today I learned that new items have been added including a *be still my beating heart* MAD SCIENTIST collection of goodies!
I MUST have these, ASAP.
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